Wednesday, October 10, 2007


So, you may have noticed my last post was made about a year ago. Since then, lots has happened, and I'm in one of those phases where I need an outlet for my creative and argumentative side. Actually, that's a perpetual phase, but I'm feeling the need to vent about stuff more now than I have for awhile.

A bit of catch-up. I'm about 1/4 way through my last year of grad school, which is both scary and fun at the same time. Unlike some of my colleagues, I refuse to stay in school just to avoid the "real world." I mean - when you stay in school to pursue a higher degree in something pointless like American Culture Studies or Sociology, you're obviously trying to delay responsibility. It's for that very reason that people in academia can have these idealistic and completely unrealistic political views - they've been isolated by a false academic environment for so long, so it doesn't matter if they are Marxist because what they do has no bearing outside of the university.

So hopefully the first week in May, I will have a Masters in Public Administration with a specialization in National Security and Defense policy (or, as I like to call it: International Relations on steroids). It's weeks like this one that make me want to drop out and play World of Warcraft for a living, although I don't think I'd succeed very much having WoW as a career considering I've played for 9 months and my highest character is still only 53 (a bar away from 54, hehe).

This week: Test yesterday (Tuesday) in International Organizations. Reflection paper for our IMF case study also turned in yesterday (even though it turns out it was due LAST wednesday). Today (Wednesday): not feeling well, had to call in sick to the writing center and ask the students to send me their papers by email. Also have a paper due later today on the IMF and its role as a global crisis counselor. Tomorrow: the first 2 sections of my International Organizations paper on UNIKOM (UN Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission). I thought it was due Friday, even though ON MY CALENDAR which is right behind my computer, it says THURSDAY. I need to get a grip.

I love my classes this semester, but they are VERY tough. I just got my Public Policy test back last night with an 86.5% - but if you know Dr. Miller, you know that's a good grade :-) I just hope I did well on my IO test yesterday. It was so awful - high noon, 3rd floor of an unairconditioned building. This weekend I can't relax, either.... oh, and I just rememberd my topic for 20th Century American Diplomacy is due today, and I don't even know what it is. AAAAHHHHH. I just had some soup and I'm feeling better. I'm glad I have the ability to do writing sessions online, though. More time to finish my paper.

The class I TA for has a test next week, and we're supposed to review with them on Friday. However, the professor hasn't gotten back to us with a review sheet yet. So I'm not really sure what the deal is. Maybe I'll make POLS 110 mad libs for them or something. It's possible. The questionis: do I care enough about these uninspired children to do something like that, in the hopes that maybe they'll become inspired? Hmm... not sure. But I am being paid for it.

Can we talk about how pretty it is here? It actually borders on COLD, which I love. You can always put more clothes on, but you can't always take them off (and still be appropriate).

Boy, it feels good to blog again. Especially living alone, sometimes you just want to VENT and you can't, because if someone walks by your apartment and hears you talking to yourself, you sound like a bigger freak than you already are :-)

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