What's with the red font, you ask? I'm in a communist mood today. I have to share with you this idea from one of the books being used for my Cold War History class... the idea that there WERE communists acting as spies in the U.S. government, but they were hardly in a large enough number to have a significant impact. OH REALLY? ONE COMMUNIST SPY IN OUR GOVERNMENT IS TOO MANY. This book makes me want to vomit. So if you're reading this blog, chances are you don't want to read anything by Warren I. Cohen. His idea of "history" is giving his opinion on how the conservatives blurred the line between liberalism and communism during a fragile time in our history (for example, when foreign relations with the Soviet Union could have been made more secure) to gain political edge. Whatever!! (don't you love how I kind of ended a smart idea with a really clueless one?)
Next on the agenda: The assault on Columbus Day. I guess it's not a new idea, but the Libs repeatedly try to make Columbus (and anything of European origin) look like a bunch of conquerors who are the very embodiment of savagery, brutality, and imperialism. Take the COVER STORY in the prestigious USA Today, which I considered an actual news source when I was younger (like, in middle and high school). I'm so fortunate I wasn't misguided. The publication actually used to be somewhat unbiased. Or maybe I was just less discerning.
Ok, and I saw Gwynne Dyer last week... this "war scholar." Yeah, right. The first thing he launched into was how the neocons in Washington are starting a Pax Americana and trying to bring America's ideals to the whole world, etc... how we're evil for violating international law (i.e. the U.N.) and how George Bush is a puppet. I marched into the political science dept. the next day and had a heart to heart with Dr. Jackson (Reverend Jackson, as I call him) for about a half hour, arguing with him about everything from racial profiling (we get sidetracked when we talk) to the U.N., to how he shouldn't be taking the Naproxen Sodium that's been sitting on his shelf from when I was in his classes last year. Anyway... Gwynne Dyer thinks he knows everything because he's served in 3 navies. Ok. So if you despise the military and feel the best thing for the world is "to lose the war in Iraq as quickly as possible," why did you bother dedicating that much time to the Navy, in any country? Grrrrr. Thank goodness Kristina Wulber was with me in the evening when we saw him and told me to breathe and count to ten, numerous times. I was about to lose it. Even though I'm into the whole Students for Academic Freedom thing, I'm glad the profs. in Poli Sci appreciate an alternative viewpoint - Dr. Simon came in and asked me what I thought, and I told him I appreciated that Dyer stirred up emotions, but that I completely disagreed with him. I'm glad Dr. Simon cared what I thought, and for that matter - I'm glad the professors in Poli Sci hold me in the esteem they do (at least, I think they do) haha.
And in other news, since I've become fond of writing about military issues for the BG News, my column this coming week will be about Lima Company returning home. I could have written about Columbus Day, but you know... a bunch of Marines coming home in Norman Rockwell fashion, while tragically having lost so many, is also a good story. Besides, if I wrote about the crusade against Eurocentrism, even in a country BUILT on European beliefs and culture, I'd no doubt be called a racist and someone with a narrow worldview.
What I love the most when I receive these responses to my columns "telling me" that I shouldn't presume certain things (isn't that funny? telling me not to tell them! haha) is that either they don't realize I'm right because they're so clouded by their own immoral judgments... or they do know I'm right and they just can't admit it. Maybe one of these days I'll receive a response to my column that actually ADDRESSES what I wrote about! I think what happens is, they read the column, they get aggravated, read their OWN interpretation and biases into it, and then respond based on what's in their heads. It's kind of funny. I don't get upset anymore. I just kind of laugh. Like when a "journalist" wrote to me and told me my opinion ruined the journalistic integrity of an otherwise great column. I said, "Hello, it's an opinion column!" Her response was encouraging me to change my perspective... and everything in my Cindy Sheehan column (the one she referred to) was pure fact. I can't do anything to make them feel better if I put the facts out there and they don't like them.
Oh, and I hope the conservatives do something to wake George up and let him know this Miers chick is all wrong. I don't know if someone put something in his drink before he made the nomination, or what... but he's got a whole host of qualified people out there, and I think he picked the least qualified person he could have.
1 comment:
"the idea that there WERE communists acting as spies in the U.S. government, but they were hardly in a large enough number to have a significant impact. OH REALLY? ONE COMMUNIST SPY IN OUR GOVERNMENT IS TOO MANY."
Read "The Secret World of American Communism", they have it at the library. I have one of their copies right now and another title for the book could be "Why McCarthy was right" lol.
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