Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I am the worst blogger ever. But I'm working for a leading contender for the GOP presidential nomination. Does that increase my relevancy?

I haven't blogged in forever.  But there's a lot going on right now, so I'll make an effort to keep everyone informed.

There's nothing better than being in New Hampshire during political season.  Well, yeah there is, actually.  Working for a leading contender for the Republican nomination, in New Hampshire, during political season!  And I'm fortunate to be doing that right now!  New Hampshire people, while a little different, are truly the salt of the earth - and generally, you don't hear any better sense regarding political issues than you do from them.  Hence why intelligent candidates (like the one I work for) will spend as much time as they can here, listening to the citizens and endearing themselves to the electorate of this very important state.

I'm hearing a lot.  People who typically belong to liberal "stronghold" groups like youth, gays, and even some religious groups that insist on supporting liberals, are all having second thoughts about voting for Barack Obama again in 2012.  As the daughter of a (conservative) Jewish father, I frequently (and exasperatedly) argue with my Dad over the hopelessness of the Jewish electorate, and how they repeatedly insist on voting for liberals, who seek to befriend Israel's enemies at the cost of Israel's safety.  Case in point, Obama's recent "1967 borders" speech.  I hope Jews wake up in 2012 - yes, even the "Plopping Jew" who seems unable to remember that his/her station as a solidly successful American liberal now is only due to the sacrifice and persecution of many generations of Jews prior to them.  Even a couple of my gay friends (I'm not saying all gays vote for Democrats, but gays as a whole tend to vote for that way, I believe not because Democrats go out of their way to support gays, but because gays feel Republicans are just completely against them.  Which isn't true.  But I digress) are switching over this time.  Youth voters, who are largely responsible for electing Obama, are starting to wake up, too (yay for my generation!) since many of us are or have been unemployed, underemployed, living at home with our parents, and/or working in a field completely different than that we went to school for, simply to make ends meet.  This president has failed us.  He's failed an entire generation.  And if we give him another term, he will fail the next generation, too.  Can we really afford that?  I know I can't.  Neither can many of my peers.

As long as this president is in office, we are a weak country.  We are not embracing the American Exceptionalism of years past - that we shouldn't be afraid to embrace.  The American Exceptionalism thousands of young men and women sign up to defend.  We need a president who supports our exceptionalism and supports those who fight for it.  This president, with his timetables and ring-kissing, does nothing but make us look vulnerable and exposes our troops to attacks, life-altering injuries, and death.  I am very proud of my friends who fight, and I want a president who protects them.  I don't go to sleep at night feeling safe with this president in the White House.  I sincerely doubt my friends in the military feel as safe as they should when they're in the line of fire, because their president isn't traveling around the world telling our enemies they'd better watch out for us.  He's pandering to them.  If, by some miracle, my friends in the military don't agree with this assessment and feel comfortable with the ccoit's certainly not a credit to Obama, but to them and their elite fighting skills.

But to cut this off before it gets too long... people have had it.  And they want someone different.  This country gave "change" a chance, and now that change is all most of us have left, we're ready for a president who infuses our economy and provides the private sector with the tools it needs to create jobs.     

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